• Why now?

    With a gini coefficient index of 59.1, Namibia is the second most unequal country in the world right after South Africa. The two countries have a shared history of apartheid.
    Furthermore, according to UNICEF data, an estimated 50% of the Namibian population practice open defecation. Making this one of the lowest sanitation coverages in the world. This is a problem.
    Finally, Namibia faces extremely high water stress. All of these problems in a country that is often overlooked. We need to act now.
  • Our solution.

    Based on our lived experiences of the above problems it gave us a unique insight to address the challenges we face in Namibia.
    At Flushh, we build waterless toilets from locally sourced and recycled materials making them light weight and portable. They work just like normal water based toilets but instead of flushing with water, you flush with saw dust which is a carbon rich material.
    On a regular basis, our team of highly trained sanitation workers safely collect the toilet waste and transform it into biochar and organic fertilizer. Biochar is a soil improver that improves yields and simulatneously caputres carbon.
  • Our impact.

    We work to improve the livelihoods of the urban and rural poor. We are incredibly proud of the impact we have achieved to date with limited resources:
    1. Each eco-toilet saves an estimated 54,750 litres of water annually. In a country where water is a precious and limited resource, this is an important step towards greater sustainability.
    2. To date we have provided increased access to sanitation to 83,300 people in the Kavango regions through our communal eco-toilets, events, schools and households toilets.
    3. We have safely removed more than 1,700 tons of toilet waste that would otherwise pollute the environment and spread communicable diseases. As a result, making sure people live in healthy communtities.
    And so much more...
  • Our Team.

    We are a team of ambitious and proximate leaders with over 40 years combined experience. As a team, we are committed to solving the sanitation crisis in Namibia and have built a product that is being championed by people in the communities we work. Together we have a vision to eliminate open defecation in Namibia and transfrom the lives of one million people.
    Under the leadership of Kv Tjatjara, who is an award winning social entrepreneur, we have grown to a team of 15 full time staff members.
  • Systems change.

    At Flushh, we are working to serve low-income households and people living in underserved communities.
    We believe that by building an impactful and successful sanitation company in Namibia at a credible scale, it will attract other organizations in the sector as doeers at scale.
    In addition, we are working diligently to form new public-private-partnerships with local authorities to achieve SDG 6. This will result in a more economical and sustainable sanitation model for underserved communities.
  • Key funders & supporters.

    We have been incredibly fortunate to receive funding and support from organizations such as Echoing Green and Silicon Valley Community Foundation. These are organizations that have taken an early bet on us and have helped build our capacity to achieve impact at scale.
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  • Join Us in Transforming Lives